Digital Products Selling Clickbank
Clickbank is a platform where an author or writer can sell his eBook at a very nominal fee. Clickbank is totally secure and trustworthy portal where anyone with register and start selling his eBooks, hard copy or any other digital product like audio or video files.
Get a professional website designed, developed, and coded from in WordPress.
Our team of developers understands the key areas that a website should have and how to get the product approved at Clickbank.
Once the website is ready, the next step is to integrate the eBook or Digital Product Website with the Clickbank platform.
Getting the product approved from Clickbank is not so easier. There are several steps that a developer has to follow for getting thank you page approved by Clickbank technical team.
- Website must have minimum 60 day money-back guarantee
- Website not to have Add to Cart button.
- Website to have buy now button
- The website should have Clickbank provided disclaimer in the footer
- If the website is stating a 3rd party name in the content, the relation of that person has to be mentioned in the footer of the website.
- The website must have a contact email address.
- Clickbank Flow – upsell – downsell
- Clickbank Advance Flow
- Clickbank CBF parameters
- Clickbank Marketplace
- Clickbank Affiliate
- Clickbank & product Thank you page