Once the product is LIVE on Clickbank platform and we have additional products related to it we can create a flow.
It’s a special and unique feature which Clickbank provides.
Pitch Plus Flow.
Pitch plus flow gives an advantage to internet users to buy multiple items from a vendor at a reasonable sale price without adding credit card details again (passes through CBF parameter of Clickbank)
Pitch plus flow gives an advantage to the vendor where he can sell more than one item to the same buyer at the same time without any hassle.
Clickbank pitch plus flow is a secure platform for selling multiple items.
Apart from the flow of 2 items as we have mentioned in the above flow chart Clickbank also allows the flow of 3 to 4 products and it comes under Advance Flow.
Advance flow in Clickbank is a special flow that is activated on request.
If you are having any issue with your existing Clickbank site or looking to get a website developed and coded with Clickbank pitch plus flow you can contact info@sochtek.com
Contact www.sochtek.com for more details